Domestic Violence


Definition of Domestic Violence: varieties of Abuse

According to the Department of Justice Office on Violence against Women, the definition of violence may be a pattern of abusive behaviour in any relationship that’s utilized by one partner to realize or maintain control over another intimate partner. Many varieties of abuse are included within the definition of domestic violence: hitting, biting, slapping, battering, shoving, punching, pulling hair, burning, cutting, pinching, etc. (any variety of violent behaviour inflicted on the victim) can include as physical abuse. It also includes denying someone medical treatment and forcing drug/alcohol use on someone. Irrespective of socioeconomic background, education level, race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender, domestic violence can be done to any. Force was formerly mentioned as wife abuse. However, this term was abandoned when the definition of force was changed to reflect that wives aren’t the sole ones who can fall victim to force. The definition of force now recognizes that victims can be: Spouses, Sexual/Dating/Intimate partners, Family members, Children, Cohabitants. Many people think that a victim of force can only obtain a protective order against their spouse. This is often actually a myth. Most states allow victims of abusive cohabitant lovers to get protective orders (also mentioned as temporary restraining orders or emergency protective orders).

When sexual behaviour is without the victim’s consent or attempts to coerce the victim into having sexual contact then it is sexual abuse. This often takes the shape of marital rape, attacking sexual body parts, physical violence that’s followed by forcing sex, sexually demeaning the victim, or maybe telling sexual jokes at the victim’s expense.

Invalidating or deflating the victim’s sense of self-worth and/or self-esteem then it is termed as emotional abuse. Emotional abuse often takes the shape of constant criticism, name-calling, injuring the victim’s relationship with his/her children, or interfering with the victim’s abilities.

When the abuser makes or tries to form the victim financially reliant then economic abuse takes place. Economic abusers often seek to keep up total control over financial resources, withhold the victim’s access to funds, or prohibit the victim from visiting school or work.

The abuser invoking fear through intimidation; threatening to physically hurt himself/herself, the victim, children, the victim’s family or friends, or the pets; destruction of property; injuring the pets; isolating the victim from loved ones; and prohibiting the victim from visiting school or work these come under psychological abuse. Threats to hit injure, or use a weapon is a style of psychological abuse.

Stalking can include following the victim, spying, watching, harassing, occurrence at the victim’s home or work, sending gifts, collecting information, making phone calls, leaving written messages, or appearing at an individual’s home or workplace. These acts individually are typically legal, but any of those behaviours done continuously leads to a stalking crime. Online action or repeated emailing that inflicts substantial emotional distress within the recipient refers to cyber stalking.

Cycle of violence in domestic abuse

Domestic abuse falls into a standard pattern or cycle of violence:

  1. Abuse – With aggressive, belittling, or violent behaviour your partner ashes out. This treatment could be a effort designed to indicate you “who is boss.”
  2. Guilt – Feeling of guilt is there after abusing but it’s not because of their action. They’re more worried about the chance of being caught and facing consequences for his or her abusive behaviour.
  3. Excuses – Your abuser rationalizes what they need done. A string of excuses or blaming the victim for provoking them either of the tools can be used by the person so as to avoid taking responsibility.
  4. “Normal” behaviour – To regain control and to make sure that you’ll stay in the relationship your partner does everything within their power. A perpetrator may act as if nothing went on, or they could “turn on the charm.” This peaceful honeymoon phase may offer you hope that the abuser has really changed this point.
  5. Fantasy and planning– Repeating the abuse becomes the fantasy of your abuser.They spend lots of your time wondering what you’ve done wrong and the way they’ll cause you to pay money for it. Then they form a thought for turning the fantasy of abuse into reality.
  6. Set-up – Your abuser sets you up and puts their plan in motion, creating a situation where they’ll justify abusing you. Between the episodes of abuse your abuser’s apologies and loving gestures can make it difficult to go away.They will cause you to believe that you just are the sole one that can help them, that they’re going to change their behaviour, which they honestly love you. However, the hazards of staying are very real.

Domestic violence increased during lockdown

Domestic violence is that the worse thing a lady can expect especially during the lockdown. During the pandemic cases of violence against women has seen a surge. As per the reports of India’s National Commission for girls (NCW), a complete of 587 complaints of force is registered between March 23 and April 16. Don’t forget that this is often just the registered number of cases. There are women who experience this torture on a usual and still find it difficult to return out and speak against it. This is often what has given power and encouragement to men.

Financial dependency and social pressure don’t seem to be letting some women to require a indicate themselves and are available out of the abusive relationship. But, sometimes, you simply need a small amount of courage and things follow. If you’re feeling inhibited in coming forward, here we provide you with enough reasons why you ought to not condone force.

Tolerating abuse encourages more violent behaviour it is important to prevent your partner the very first time he raises hands on you or he abuses you verbally. Not doing so gives a sense of authority and superiority to men and encourages more violent behaviour. Those who are indulging in violence it give them encouragement if one tolerates it. Free hand to the abuser can become a dangerous element of the society. Women usually brush up force by justifying it with bad mood or effect of alcohol consumption. They forget that it can cause grave consequences. Don’t let the violence and abuse become a habit of your partner. You and your pride are important. Don’t let anyone undermine your worth.


  • Author: Niharika Tiwari
  • Intern at Lawportal
  • Email:

Author: Niharika Tiwari,
Lloyd law College

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