Author:   Gautami Chakravarty,
1st Year,
 KIIT School of Law.
Rights are the basic amenties of human life. Human rights guarantee people the basic means to satisfy their basic needs, such as food, housing, and education, so they can take full advantage of all opportunities. Human rights are inalienable. This means that you cannot lose them, because they are linked to the very fact of human existence, they are inherent to all human beings. Human rights are conferred on an individual due to the very nature of his existence. They are inherent in all individual irrespective of their caste, creed, sex, religion and nationality. Human rights are essential and necessary because in the absence of human rights the moral, physical, social and spiritual welfare of an individual is impossible. Human rights are also essential as they provide suitable conditions for material and moral upliftment of the people. Human rights are in connection with the human dignity. To treat another individual with dignity irrespective of the fact that the person is male or female, rich or poor etc is concerned with human dignity. For instance, in 1993 India has enacted a law that forbids the practice of carrying human excreta. This law is called Employment of manual scavengers and dry latrines (Prohibition) Act. Human rights are irrevocable because they cannot be taken away by any power or authority as these rights originate with the social nature of man in the society of human beings and they belong to a person simply because he is a human being. As such human rights have similarities to moral rights.
Human rights is something which really inspires and interests me. These rights are necessary for the fulfillment of purpose of life. No Government has the power to curtail or take away the rights which are sacrosanct, inviolable and immutable.
 Human rights are universal. These rights are not a monopoly of any privileged class of people. They are universal in nature, without consideration and without exception. The values such as divinity, dignity and equality which form the basis of these rights are inherent in human nature. Human rights are never absolute.
 Man is a social animal and he lives in a civic society, which always put certain restrictions on the enjoyment of his rights and freedom. Human rights as such are those limited powers or claims, which are contributory to the common good and which are recognized and guaranteed by the state, through its laws to the individuals. As such each right has certain limitat Human rights are dynamic. These rights are not static,  they go on expanding with socio- eco – cultural and political developments  with the state. Human rights imply that every individual has legitimate claims upon his or her society for certain freedom and benefits.
As far as my interest is concerned in upholding the Human rights I want to acknowledge that I previously don’t have any experience in this field but I really bend towards this field right from my school days. Having a spirit of upholding human rights and serving the needy people in every possible way is one of the reason that lead me to choose Law as career option. 
Last but not the least I want to conclude  by saying that humanity will serve its true purpose when every person will be at equal peddling and will have the equal access to make the foundation over it. Therefore, I really want to work towards upholding human rights and serve the people so that I can be a part of fostering true human values and rights to the needy. 
I would like to mention a quote-
 “ Treat others how you want to be treated”. 

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