India as a mediator in Israel-Palestine dispute?

India as a mediator in Israel-Palestine dispute?

By Yuvraj Ranolia,
3rd-year (6th semester) student of the School of Law, Christ (deemed to be University).
Abstract– Should India be a mediator for Israel-Palestine dispute? Article tries to answer this query backing its reasoning with evidences and reacher have used emancipatory & pragmatic approach for this article. The opinion it consist is truly based on his own understanding and is not biased against anyone.

Index terms– Introduction, American Intervention, External affairs treaties, Israel, Analysis.  
Israel and Palestinians have a long-running battle, running route back to World War-II when hundreds a great many Jews were bloodletting, which makes them persistence for having an alternate country on their religion or network basis[1] The creation of Israel itself was the sole explanation of the giving unique status to Jews, to defeat the substandard intricacy they encountered during the World War-II era.[2] 
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, bolstered the making of a new Jewish state, however, he additionally guaranteed that the USA won’t mediate in the Arab state and Jewish state, without their earlier consent.[3] In-request to ensure the solid relations with Arab states, the United Kingdom conflicted with the choice of making separate Jewish state in Palestine for Jews security.[4] Despite developing clash between Palestinian Arabs and Palestinian Jews and regardless of the Department of State’s underwriting of a trusteeship, Truman, at last, chose to perceive the state Israel.[5]
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict returns to the completion of the nineteenth century, essentially as a dispute over the area. After the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, the Holy Land was isolated into three areas: the State of Israel, the West Bank (of the Jordan River), and the Gaza Strip.[6] 
The 1993 Oslo Accords interceded the contention, setting up a structure for the Palestinians to oversee themselves and building up relations between the recently settled Palestinian Authority and Israel’s administration. In 2000, enlivened by proceeding with Palestinian complaints, the subsequent intifada started and was a lot more crimson than the first. After a flood of savagery among Israelis and Palestinians in 2015, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas reported that Palestinians would never again be bound by the Oslo Accords.[7] 
In 2013, the United States endeavoured to restore the harmony procedure between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. Be that as it may, harmony talks were disturbed when the Fatah—the Palestinian Authority’s decision party—shaped a solidarity government with its adversary group, Hamas, in 2014. The adversaries’ trade off strategy has proceeded haltingly since, with the two consenting to an additional course of action in October 2017.[8]
Before the latest influx of conflicts among Israelis and Palestinians, there had been numerous flare-ups of viciousness and flimsiness. In the late spring of 2014, conflicts in the Palestinian regions accelerated a military encounter between the Israeli military and Hamas wherein Hamas terminated almost 3,000 rockets at Israel and Israel fought back with a significant hostile in Gaza. The experience completed in late August 2014 with a détente deal encouraged by Egypt, anyway essentially after 73 Israelis and 2,251 Palestinians were butchered.[9]
When it comes to the relation between India & Palestine is very strong since 1974, when India became the first Non-Arab nation which supports (PLO) Palestine Liberation Organization as the sole and authentic representative of Palestinian people.[10] in 1988 India became the first country which recognizes the Palestinian state. Both the state has many bilateral agreements with economic aid to construction of many educational institutions like universities, colleges, schools and library in the state of Palestine and exchange of IT, Agriculture sector, Sports, Health and many more.[11] the list does not end here it also consists of bilateral agreement over-tourism and easy access availability of visa facility.[12]
At the Extraordinary Ministerial Conference of the UNRWA held in Rome in March 2018, India announced the enhancement of the annual contribution to the UNRWA from US$ 1.25 million to US$ 5 million from 2018-19.[13]
India & Israel had a foreign relations for quite long dated back to 1993 when Israel has a ‘Consulate’ in Mumbai; which later over the period spread as the relations becoming strong and the ended up by having two more consulates in Delhi and Kolkata (in a way of Honorary consulate) and the one in Mumbai is known as Consulate-General[14].
As both the states (India & Israel) got independence from the British colonial system nearly the same time in the late 1940s. Which might be a reason for being close bond, as Israel appreciate the fact that Jews in India were never persecuted[15] and both the country backed with good & healthy relations in many sectors which begin from ‘trading in weapons or ammunition, same foot on the fight against terrorism, technology, many eminent political leaders from both the states visits each other for the advancement in all the sectors ranging from agriculture; IT; Infrastructure; commerce & industry; Ministry of Industry, trade and Labour; Environmental related issues like water treatment issues.
How can Israel or Palestine claim on land on the basis that they have this land some couple thousands of years and now one of them wanted it back from the current ruling state? Because epoch there were und
efined territories and many kings and emperors were conquering them time and again. It was after colonization when victims come together and fought for the freedom and republic of the nation.
The author doesn’t realize why all the states need to fights and take sides to settle their disputes as if one look closely into the history of both the nations (India & Israel) they are somewhere have their close relations with one or the other nations and when Israel was formed it was the USA which supported it. On the other hand, India in 1961 had a formed (NAM) Non-Aligned Movement, which was supported by ‘Egypt’ one of the 5 nations in the world which support that they will not go either with NATO or Warsaw Pact[16], and Egypt & Jordan had some skirmishes with Israel over the land which later was broken by Egypt-Israel peace agreement in 1979; the long-standing dispute came to an end and the relations between India & Egypt also became strong because India has strong diplomatic relations with both the nations like ‘Egypt & Israel’ and this way now all three have fine diplomatic relations[17].
Moreover, it’s the matter of Israel & Palestine internal dispute and no other country have right to interfere in their issues because if we compare it with the problem of India & Bangladesh dispute over territory claim, it was after Land Boundary Agreement[18] (LBA) on 6th June 2015, that their long-standing territory dispute came to an end[19].
The peace agreement has been seen as the last & the only hope for the disputing nations, why this does not seem like the first and the foremost attempt by the nations to settle disputes? Because it hardly matters who wins; the thing that matters the most is who will able to make it till the end and survive and if that survival is bare breathing then it is not less than a lifeless then mare animal existence.
The author personally would prefer, that not only India but no state should go for mediation, because when the disputing states i.e; Israel & Palestine will decide together to settle their dispute in an amicable manner then the problem might get resolve. Taking from the past experiences between different states like India & Sri Lanka or India & Pakistan or India’s strong relations with Afghanistan and many more neighbouring countries and in the last couple of years, they have improved quite skyrocketed.
As it is a long run benefit for both the nations, because if they continue to fight both of them will loose their loved once and some naive will ended up by making profits from their skirmishes. We need to learn from our past experiences, that war or fighting is not the solution; it’s only a temporary solution to a problem until that fly in the ointment get resolved. But that doesn’t mean that one should not retaliate, if there is a life threatening situation, no that is everyone’s Natural right (that one got by birth, itself) but where the prob can be dissolve by peace agreements, then it should be taken into consideration.
But India as a mediator will go only if, it is found out that both the countries themselves have approached India, on agreed without any external or internal pressure from anyone or any country, because India have good & healthy relation with both the nations and even if India tried it’s best to be fair enough their will be one out of the two disputing countries might think that it’s decision is biased and will end to having some trouble with India.  
Thank you

[1] (

An Article by Zack Beauchamp.

[2] Ibid.

[3] ( an article from: “Office of Historian,         foreign service Institute, United State Department of State.)

[4] Ibid.

[5] Ibid.

[6] (

[7] Ibid.

[8] Ibid.

[9] Ibid.

[10] ( issued by ‘Ministry of External Affairs’ of India.

[11] Ibid.

[12] Ibid.

[13] Ibid.

[14] ( by         Embassy of Israel in India.

[15] Ibid.

[16] Class 12th Political Science (NCERT) book.

[17] (

[18] The Land Boundary Agreement (LBA) signed between India & Bangladesh on 6th June 2015, in         Bangladesh.

[19] ( constraints-and-exploring-possibilities-in-cooch-behar/) article by Sreeparna Banerjee and Anasua         Basu Ray Chaudhury.

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