Author: Shubhi jaiswar
B.A.LL.B.(1st year)
Hemwati nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University UTTRAKHAND (pandit purnanand Tiwari law college Haridwar)
A political system includes not only the traditional institutions like legislature, judiciary and executive but also association with political features. Political parties and interest groups pressure groups. The pressure groups are narrower groups which seek to influence government policies through social economic and political pressure. The trade unions, chambers of commerce and peasants lobby 24 the pressure group.
Strike means the worker or labour collectively as a union stop their work to compel there employers to concede to their demands. The strike is not of only one shape. It has many faces like tool down strike, lie down strike, pen down strike and slow down strike. With the trade unionism movement the workers became aware of their strength to seek redress and fight for their rights and amenities. During old days the strike was limited to only industrial workers. Now it has become part of Government employees, student, worker of public services and teachers etc.
The main cause of strike by industry of factory worker is the matter of wages, conditions and provision for health, safety and welfare bonus, dismissal and retrenchment. Sometimes the workers follow the brutal methods. The damages to the general people and property or government property are the instances.
The supreme court in 2003 held that strike by government servants is illegal, immoral and unjustifiable.the government servants for employees of public sector undertakings have no right to go on strikes.though there are many benefits from the strike like the workers are not to be at discreation of the employer, strike make huge financial loss to the employer and government.the industrial tribunals and work committee in every factory and other Intra for extra industrial dispute resolution machinery should work vigilantly so that the strike can be avoided without hampering the interest of government ,workers and